Donauinsel with Vienna in the background
On 22-23 November we had a chance to be a part of the crew that headed to Fridge Festival Vienna. Pure Production with Jakub Lubellan, PhotoMartini with Martin Zilka and our tft team. City Big Air contest with a huge ramp build in the center of Vienna was really an unforgettable experience. Best freeskiers and snowboarders from the whole Europe came to Donauinsel to trow doublecorks till 1440 spins or double rodeos. We were so happy as a representatives to get into the "Press-Riderszone". So chilling, talking, and just hanging out on the same couch with guys like Elias Ambühl, Jesper Tjäder, Niklas Ericsson or Kai Mahler was more than a "dreamsarecomingtrue". And afterwards concerts with bands like Pendulum and Prodigy. What more can you ask for.
It was just hell of a great time and we are already looking forward for the next year !
Results: Freeski:
1. Christian Bieri (SUI)
2. Luca Schuler (SUI)
3. Elias Ambühl (SUI)
22-23 Novembra sa nám naskytla možnosť ísť na Fridge Festival Vienna. Partia v zložení Jakub Lubellan z Pure Production, Martin Žilka z PhotoMartini a samozrejme my z tft. Mestský big air s obrovským skokom priamo v centre Viedne bol ozaj nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Najlepší freeskieri a snowboardisti z celej európy prišli na Donauinsel aby vrátili triky ako Doublecorks 1440 alebo double rodeos. Bolo sa ozaj na čo pozerať. Mali sme to štastie že sme sa ako vyslanci z portálu mohli dostať až do "Press-Riderszone". Takže vysedávanie a debatovanie na tom istom gauči s menami ako Elias Ambühl, Jesper Tjäder, Niklas Ericsson alebo Kai Mahler bolo viac než "snysastávajúskutočnosťou".
Bol to ozaj super sobotný program a na záver ešte koncerty skupín Pendulum a Prodigy. Čo viac možeš chcieť.
Výsledky: Freeski:
1. Christian Bieri (SUI)
2. Luca Schuler (SUI)
3. Elias Ambühl (SUI)
/ OJ

view of the setup
with our polish friend Szczepan Karpiel
on the mic with Elias Ambühl
Jasper Tjäder from Sweden
finals at night
with Niklas
Pendulum and Prodigy
video by Pure Production