utorok 24. decembra 2013

Season kickoff @ Turiec

Winter season kickoff took place at Boardland snowpark at Valčianska dolina at Turiec region in Slovakia. Considering the snow conditions guys from Valča put some nice set up of obstacles. So thumbs up. Good job. More see in short video edit and few fotos.


Túto zimnú sezónu sme odpálili v Turčianskej doline. Check krátke video z celkom slušného parku ktorý tam chalani postavili vzhľadom na to aké sú snehové podmienky.


piatok 13. decembra 2013

Snow Film Fest 2013_Čadca

Snow Film Fest in Čadca on the 16/11/2013 was a film festival focused on winter sports. One of us, Ondrej Panek was invited as a guest and we of course had to support him so we decided to head up to the north part of Slovakia. 
Ondrej had a chance to hold a presentation on a topic "Unusual places for skiing". Skiing in Lesotho, Spain or in Skihalle near Dresden were one of his main points. Of course he didn't forget to mention our HS Railpark in Hôrky. At the beginning of presentation we could watch the tft videos that were shot throughout our 3-year history. tft had a great opportunity to show and to present it's production. People liked Ondrej's presentation and gave him and the whole tft crew a big applause at the end. 
In the main parts of the festival we could see short movies about the expedition to the South Pole, riding powder, developement of a czech snowboard scene or surfing in Norway. Beautiful nature and incredible camera shots made this a super evening + Ondrej's presentation as a great addition to the whole program.
We would like to thank the organizators for providing the possiblity to show people what we do and thank you goes as well to Ondrej for his good promo for 


16.11.2013 sa v Čadci konal festival s názvom Snow Film Fest, kde bol pozvaný ako hosť aj jeden z našich radov Ondrej Panek. Samozrejme sme ho museli ísť podporiť a vybrali sme sa aj my na sever Slovenska.
 Ondrej mal prezentáciu na tému "Netradičné miesta na lyžovanie". Spomínal Lesotho v Afrike, lyžovanie v Španielsku, halu pri Drážďanoch, ale aj náš HS Railpark vo Hôrkach. Na začiatku festivalu boli premietané tft videá, ktoré boli počas našej 3-ročnej existencie natočené. tft malo teda dobrú príležitosť odprezentovať a ukázať svoju tvorbu.Prezentácia sa ľuďom veľmi páčila a Ondreja, aj celé tft, na konci odmenili potleskom.Tiež sme mohli vidieť krátke filmy z expedície za polárny kruh, jazdenie prašanov, vývoj českej snowboardovej scény, surfing v Nórsku. Nádherná príroda a krásne zábery sa postarali o nadupaný večer + Ondrejova prednáška ako čerešnička na torte. Ďakujeme, že sme mali možnosť ukázať ľuďom, čo robíme a Ondrejovi za jeho reprezentáciu tft!

/ Dicky

Fotos: Martin Lazur (more here)


streda 4. decembra 2013

Fridge Festival Vienna

                                                Donauinsel with Vienna in the background

On 22-23 November we had a chance to be a part of the crew that headed to Fridge Festival Vienna. Pure Production with Jakub Lubellan,  PhotoMartini with Martin Zilka and our tft team. City Big Air contest with a huge ramp build in the center of Vienna was really an unforgettable experience. Best freeskiers and snowboarders from the whole Europe came to Donauinsel to trow doublecorks till 1440 spins or double rodeos. We were so happy as a freeskier.sk representatives to get into the "Press-Riderszone". So chilling, talking, and just hanging out on the same couch with guys like Elias Ambühl, Jesper Tjäder, Niklas Ericsson or Kai Mahler was more than a "dreamsarecomingtrue". And afterwards concerts with bands like Pendulum and Prodigy. What more can you ask for. 
It was just hell of a great time and we are already looking forward for the next year !

Results: Freeski:

1. Christian Bieri (SUI)
2. Luca Schuler (SUI)
3. Elias Ambühl (SUI)

More photos and report in slovak you can find at freeskier.sk
Photos: PhotoMartini.com
Video: pureproduction.sk


22-23 Novembra sa nám naskytla možnosť ísť na Fridge Festival Vienna. Partia v zložení Jakub Lubellan z Pure Production, Martin Žilka z PhotoMartini a samozrejme my z tft. Mestský big air s obrovským skokom priamo v centre Viedne bol ozaj nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Najlepší freeskieri a snowboardisti z celej európy prišli 
na Donauinsel aby vrátili triky ako Doublecorks 1440 alebo double rodeos. Bolo sa ozaj na čo pozerať. Mali sme to štastie že sme sa ako vyslanci z portálu freeskier.sk mohli dostať až do "Press-Riderszone". Takže vysedávanie a debatovanie na tom istom gauči s menami ako Elias Ambühl, Jesper Tjäder, Niklas Ericsson alebo Kai Mahler bolo viac než "snysastávajúskutočnosťou".
Bol to ozaj super sobotný program a na záver ešte koncerty skupín Pendulum a Prodigy. Čo viac možeš chcieť.

Výsledky: Freeski:

1. Christian Bieri (SUI)
2. Luca Schuler (SUI)
3. Elias Ambühl (SUI)

Viac foto a report v slovenčine nájdeš na freeskier.sk
Fotos: PhotoMartini.com

/ OJ

view of the setup

with our polish friend Szczepan Karpiel 

on the mic with Elias Ambühl

Jasper Tjäder from Sweden

finals at night

with Niklas

Pendulum and Prodigy

video by Pure Production