utorok 9. decembra 2014

Žilina Urban_Velký Diel

Not just in the mountains, on prepared snowparks or slopes, but also on the streets or athletic stadium. You just need a bit of snow, bungee rope and passion to shred !
Here is what happened back then in Žilina.


Nie len na horách, na upravených snowparkoch alebo zjazdovkách, ale aj v uliciach alebo na atletickom štadione. Jediné čo potrebuješ je trochu snehu, bungee lano a chuť si zajazdiť !
Tu je čo sa stalo vtedy v Žiline.


Con-tanier from tft on Vimeo.

sobota 26. apríla 2014

Bôyz (Hôrky Boyz)

Winter is over. Summer begins. And we still want to shred. All year long. That's why we built our rail-garden in Hôrky near Žilina. Check this short video of how does a normal day in HS Railpark look like. Riding with local guys and also with our friends from Žilina and its surroundings. And btw, can you do math? What is 4+4+3+3 ? Yes it's 14,  14 meters. That's how long you can jib when you combine our rails wisely. And it is the longest rail in Slovakia. Want to hit it? So what are you waiting for, come and ride with us, we are always open :)
For more click here:
 HS Railpark


Zima skončila. Leto začína. A my chceme stále jazdiť. Celý rok. Preto sme postavili našu rail-záhradku vo Hôrkach pri Žiline. Pozri si toto krátke video ako vyzerá normálny deň v HS Railpark-u. Jazdíme s domácimi ale aj s priateľmi zo Žiliny a jej okolia. A mimochodom, viete počítať? Koľko je 4+4+3+3 ? Áno je to 14. 14 metrov. Tak dlho môžete jibovať ak rozumne pokombinujete naše zábradlia. A je to najdlhší rail na Slovensku. Chceš ho dať? Tak na čo ešte čakáš? Prídi a zajazdi si s nami, u nás je vždy otvorené:)
Chceš vedieť viac, tak klikni tu:
 HS Railpark

/ Ondrej

sobota 5. apríla 2014

Comix Jib Jam vol. 6

This year's Comix on 25/3/2014 took place as usually at the University of Žilina dormitory blocks Hliny. Set-up was built from a street rail and run-in was in shape of a pyramid so you just chose your side and went for it.
List of riders wasn't too long but it didn't affect quality and style of the tricks. Backsides, frontsides, switch-ups, pretzels spins and twists, in and outs. It was worth watching. So big up for all the skiers and snowboarders who came and put up a good show for the whole audience.
In the name of tft we would like to thank to our sponzors Rossignol, Bulwarshop, Park99, IRŠ Rapeš, Vulcano Pizzeria, Šimo Veľkoobchod a maloobchod s nápojmi, Pažický Veľkoobchod a maloobchod for help and prizes and to our media-partners freeskier.sk and boardlife.sk for making this event visible and VLN Production for photos and Jakub Lubellan for video support
Last but not least a big thank goes to all the guys who helped with set-up construction, speaking, shaping and just making sure that everything went smooth.  And thanks to blue-silver can that kept us in shape the whole time.
We are already have great plans for the next year, so make sure you will show up !

1. Pavol Kuric
2. Marek Uhrín
3. Adam Cagan
1. Zoltán Strcuľa
2. Lukáš Droppa

3. Patrik Paulínyi

Reports with photos in slovak here:


/ OJ

utorok 11. marca 2014

Day in the gym

Whether there is, or there is no snow (like this year's winter in central Europe :( ) it is always important to stay in shape. That's why we organize our work-outs in the trampoline center in Karpatska School in Zilina. One hour of jumping, running, falling or screaming guaranties that you will at least sleep like a baby that night. Besides burning muscles in your legs and being out of your breath. And of course you can practice your doubles, safely before doing them on snow. Check the photos and a short vid at the end.


Či už je, alebo nie je sneh (ako túto zimu v strednej Európe :( ) vždy je dobré zostať vo forme. To je dôvod prečo organizujeme naše tréningy v trampolínovej hale na základnej škole na Karpatskej ulici v Žiline. Jedna hodina skákania, behania, padania alebo kričania ti garantuje že aspoň v ten večer budeš spať ako dieťa. Teda okrem toho že ťa budú páliť svaly na nohách a budeš lapať po dychu. A samozrejme že môžeš skúšať svoje double predtým sa do nich pustíš na snehu. Pozrite foto a kratke video na konci


for more follow us on facebook:

nedeľa 5. januára 2014

Streets of Vienna

Winter 2012/2013 was really rich as far as considering the amount of snow. Even in Vienna people didn't remember that much snow in years. Some said in 25 years. You have to take advantage of that. Therefore I couldn't sit in a library but called Urban and Sam and some other friends and we went to hit the streets. Most of the photos were took in 15th district. Check photos and short video at the end.


Zima 2012/2013 bola naozaj bohatá na sneh. Aj vo Viedni si ľudia nepamätúju tak veľa snehu už roky. Niektorí hovoria až o 25 rokoch. To treba využiť. Nemohol som sedieť v knižnici a preto som zavolal Urban-ovi a Sam-ovi a nejakým ďalším kamošom a vydali sme sa do ulíc. Väčšina záberov bola natočených v 15tom bezirku. Viac už na fotkách a na krátkom videjku na konci.
