nedeľa 5. januára 2014

Streets of Vienna

Winter 2012/2013 was really rich as far as considering the amount of snow. Even in Vienna people didn't remember that much snow in years. Some said in 25 years. You have to take advantage of that. Therefore I couldn't sit in a library but called Urban and Sam and some other friends and we went to hit the streets. Most of the photos were took in 15th district. Check photos and short video at the end.


Zima 2012/2013 bola naozaj bohatá na sneh. Aj vo Viedni si ľudia nepamätúju tak veľa snehu už roky. Niektorí hovoria až o 25 rokoch. To treba využiť. Nemohol som sedieť v knižnici a preto som zavolal Urban-ovi a Sam-ovi a nejakým ďalším kamošom a vydali sme sa do ulíc. Väčšina záberov bola natočených v 15tom bezirku. Viac už na fotkách a na krátkom videjku na konci.


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