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Mountains are still white above Terchová |
Jar je tu a to znamená slush lyžovačka, teplé počasie a úžasné výhľady. Nedeľa vo Vrátnej to mala všetko a my sme radi že sme mohli byť pri tom.
Potom čo sme prežili saunu v kabínke cestou nahor a že nám nesfúklo lyže zo stojanu, sme sa konečne dostali do Snilovského sedla. Na tejto strane hôr ešte všetko biele, ale zvyšný pohľad dookola, po snehu ani stopy.
Spring is here and it means slush skiing, warm temperatures and amazing views. Sunday in Vratna had it all and we are glad that we could be part of it.
After we survived the boiling point in gondola going up and didn't loose our skis due to strong wind we finally made it up to Snilovské sedlo. Still white on our side of the mountain but the rest of the view around, sadly no more snow to be seen.
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Marek demonstrating spring turns |
Prvá jazda nadol po ľavej strane od kotvy bola trochu trvdá a hrboľatá tak sme sa rozhodli ísť smerom na východ pod Chleb. A tam to bolo výborné. Sneh bol mäkký a slushy, ale aj dosť rýchly tak si si to mohol páliť dole v slušnej rýchlosti.
First run down the slope on skier's left from T-bar was quite hard and bumpy so we decided to head to the east direction Chleb. And there it was great. Snow was soft and slushy and quite fast so you could fly down at a decent speed.
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Bado boosting down east of Snilovské sedlo |
Aj keď sme nenašli žiadne postavené kickre, objavili sme aspoň pár prírodných dropov a hipov kde sme si mohli užívať polet ponad kosodrevinu alebo ležiacich kamarátov. Najlepšie sa skákalo z hrán žĺabov v Chlebskej mulde.
Even though we didn't find any built kickers, we discovered some natural drops and hips where we could enjoy air time over mountain pine and lying friends. Best jumps were off the chute edges in Chlebská mulda.
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In Vrátna you can jump over anything (part 1: friend) |
Pri traverzovaní na východ si si vychutnával nadherné vyhľady na Malú Fatru a potom si sa mohol spustiť dole kde sa ti to najviac páčilo. Žiaľ okolo 14tej už sneh prestal byť snehom a začal byť veľmi pomalý a ty si sa k nemu skoro priliepal. Preto keď prídeš nabudúce tak doobeda lyžuj a poobede sa už len opaľuj.
When you were traversing to the east you could admire the spectacular landscape of Malá Fatra and then drop down at any point where you thought it was the best. Unfortunately around 2 pm the snow got pretty slow and you were literally being stuck in it. So make sure when you come next time, that you are skiing in the morning and sun-shining in the afternoon.
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Traversing east |
Dúfame že Vrátna ostane otvorená ešte pár víkendov, lebo snehu tam je dosť a aj ľudí ktorí chcú stále lyžovať. Tak hybaj nahor kým sa to všetko nerozpustí. A nezabudni si zobrať opaľovací krém.
Hopefully Vrátna will stay open for another few weekends, because there is still a lot of snow up there as well as people who want to keep on skiing. So head up there before it all melts away. And don't forget to take your sun cream with you.
Photo gallery:
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Posers |
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Secret spot view of Roháče and Malá Fatra |
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