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Choose your spring line |
Ak si odložil lyže s tým že sezóna už skončila, urobil si zlé rozhodnutie. Zima je ešte stále tu a posledný vikend v Jasnej bol jeden z najlepších za tento rok. Predpoveď nevyzerala vôbec dobre, ale ved čo keď to je posledná možnosť ísť si zajazdiť kedže teploty posledné dni boli veľmi vysoké a hrozilo že sneh nemusí vydržať.
If you put your skis back to the basement thinking that the season is over you made a big mistake. Winter is still here and last weekend in Jasná was one of the best this year.
Weather forecast wasn't looking too good but we still decided to head to Nízke Tatry, well what if it will be the last time you can ski since the temperatures last days were really high and the snow wouldn't last.
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Fun in the air |
V sobotu bol vrch Chopku v úplnej hmle, ale po 100 metroch to už bolo sunny a slushy. Kedže bol sneh veľmi mäkký a nie moc tažký skákali sme a lietali ponad všetky bubny jak nič.
On Saturday the top of Chopok was completely in fog but after about 100 meteres down it was sunny and slushy. Since the snow were really soft and not so heavy we were jumping and flying over bumbs with an ease.
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In the chutes |
Zjazdovky boli fun, ale my sme chceli viac tak sme namierili smerom Derešský kotol. Kvôli hmle sme si vybrali iba blízky Retranslačný žĺab. Po pár oblúkoch sa však hmla rozpustila a my sme si mohli konečne užívať jazdu nadol. Ako sme šlapali späť na zjazdovku hmla úplne zmizla a tak sme sa rozhodli dať si ešte jeden žľab z hrebeňa Zadného Derešského kotla. Aj keď bol výstup dosť náročný, stálo to za to. Z hrebeňa bol super výhľad na všetky strany a je tam ešte stále veľa snehu na nejaké to backcountry skiing.
Slopes were fun, but we wanted more so we pointed our skis and boards toward Deressky kotol. Beacuse of the fog at the top we didn't want to go too far so went only for Retencny zlab. After first few turns fog disappeared and we could finally enjoy our ride down. As we were hiking back to the slopes, skies cleared so we decided to hike up to the ridge to Zadny deressky kotol and do one more chute. Even though the hike wasn't easy it was worth it. From the top of the ridge you could admire the beautiful scenery in all directions. There is still plenty of snow to do some backcountry skiing.
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Matúš charging it down Retrans kotol |
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Zadný Derešský kotol with still lot of snow |
Nedeľná predpoveď počasia sľubovala dážď, vietor a hmlu tak sme šli nahor s veľkými obavami. Nakoniec to bolo ešte lepšie ako v Sobotu. Po pár jazdách na severe sme chceli vyskúšať aj južnú stranu (kvôli nedostatku snehu je tam vstup len na vlastné nebezpečie). A bolo to top. Dereše mali mäkkší sneh ako severná strana a k tomu tam nebol nikto iný tak si mal celý kopec len pre seba. No vôbec sa nám nechcelo ísť domov.
Sunday weather forecast was promising rain, wind and fog so we headed up with big concerns. But it was even better than on Saturday. After skiing few runs down north side, we wanted to try the south side (to enter at your own risk because of lack of snow). Ouuu and the south was golden. Derese had softer snow than the north side and there was nobody skiing there so you had the whole mountain for yourself. We just couldn't get enough of it and didn't want to go home.
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Spring turns on south side by Marek |
Kto nebol v Jasnej posledný víkend zmeškal výborné jarné lyžovanie so slnkom a prekrásnymi výhľadmi. Kedže lyžiarov bolo veľmi málo mal si pocit ako by si bol vo vlastnom súkromnom stredisku. A ešte jedna vec. Never predpovedi počasia a choď do hôr.
Who didn't go up there last weekend missed a great spring skiing with sunshine and beautiful views. Plus there is really few people so it feels like you are in your own private resort. Hopefully it will stay like this at least for another weekend. And one more thing. Don't trust the weather forecast. Just go up there.
/Text: OJ
/Photo: Juraj & Matúš
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