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"The Garden" with all three main platforms |
Friday the 13th. What should we do? Stay home? No, let's go ski/board. Who cares what date it is. Plus Valca Ski Resort offered for this day free ski passes so we couldn't resist. But still, the main reason was to check out the Boardland Snowpark.
Ani piatok 13-teho nás neodradil od toho aby sme išli jazdiť. Veď ako by aj mohol keď Valča ponúkla na tento deň zadarmo lístky. No proste museli sme ísť. Ale našim hlavným cieľom bolo aj tak otestovať miestny park.
This local park has 3 main platforms at which we will have a closer look in the next few lines.
It all starts with a mellow box on the skier's left side and a really smooth tube on the right. All the take-offs and landings today were covered in a bit of fresh snow, what actually created soft environment around the obstacles so if you did bail it didn't hurt that much.
Boardland Park pozostáva z 3 platforiem na ktoré sa teraz podrobnejšie pozrieme. Všetko začína príjemným boxom na ľavej strane (pohľad z kopca) a hladkou tube na pravo. Keďže snežilo, všetky odrazy a dopady boli trochu zapadnuté snehom čim ale vytvárali mäkké prostredie okolo, takže keď si spadol ani to nebolelo.
First platform with flat box and flat tube |
After a speed check you were heading towards the second platform - the jump. Really nice kick and soft landing was perfect for trying all kind of tricks. The jump was especially good when hit backwards. So don't forget to land switch on the first rail platform, so you don't to revert :)
Po speed check-u sa blížiš na druhú platformu - skok. S jemným kickom a dopadom ktoré boli perfektné na skúšanie hocijakých trickov. Skok bol hlavne príjemný keď si na neho išiel na switch. Takže na prvej rail platforme nezabudni dopadnúť dozadu, aby si nemusel robiť žiaden revert.
Kicker on the second platform |
For the last hit in the park you could choose between a similar black tube like on the first platform or an orange step-down tube. The option on the skier's left side is bit easier to ride so choose wisely where you go. As you can see on the photo there are another two features by the woods. A flat wide box set up at an angel followed by a big fat tank. Plus at the end a little side kicker that lands on the last rail platform.
Ako poslednú prekážku v parku si môžeš vybrať medzi podobnou čiernou tube ako bola na prvej platforme, alebo oranžovou step-down tube. Možnosť po ľavej strane je trochu ľachšia, tak si vyber zodpovedne :P. Ako vidíš na fotke, pri lese sa nachádzaju ešte daľšie dve prekážky. Široká na šikmo osadená bedňa a po nej veľký tučný tanker. Na úplnom konci je ešte maličký bočný kicker ktorý končí na poslednej rail platforme.
View of the the whole park |
Boardland park is small in size but big in things it has to offer. Lot of options and combinations to master your freestyle skills. And if you get a poma in the middle of the lift you will be lapping the park up and down non-stop.
Boardland nie je veľký ale má veľa toho čo ponúknuť. Veľa možností a veľa kombinácii na zlepšenie tvojich freestyle skills. A ak sa ti podarí chytiť kotvu v stredu vleku, môžeš lapovať park hore dole nonstop.
/Photo: Marek
/Text: Marek and OJ
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