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Start of the park |
Before the last weekend one of the best parks in Slovakia in Jasna, Nizke Tatry opened its gates. We saw some good looking photos from the construction so we decided to check it out personally. Before we get to the report i just want to say that it was freezing, i mean freezing a lot, like down to -20, so taking photos without gloves was quite a challenge, so please appreciate all the photos we got here :)
Pred posledným víkendom jeden z najlepších snowparkov na Slovensku v Jasnej, Nízke Tatry otvoril svoje brány. Videli sme pár pekných fotiek z výstavby, tak sme sa rozhodli ísť sa na to pozrieť osobne. Predtým ako začneme s reportom, chcem povedať že mrzlo, ale poriadne, až okolo -20 takže fotiť bez rukavíc bolo ozaj náročné, tak prosím oceňte všetky fotky ktoré tu sú :)
Upper part:
Like in previous seasons, the DC Snowpark is divided into upper part (Fun Zone) and lower part (Snowpark Jasna). In the upper part the park starts lets say with easy features and as you go down things get bit more serious. Basically all the four platforms consist of jib option on the skier's left and jump option on the skier's right side.
The first platform has, to warm you up, a flat box and a small kicker with table of almost 2 meters.
Ako v predošlých sezónach, DC Snowpark je rozdelený do hornej (Fun Zone) a spodnej časti (Snowpark Jasná). Horná časť začina povedzme s ľachkými prekážkami a ako ideš dole veci začnú byť trochu vážnejšie. V podstate všetky 4 platformy pozostávaju z jib možnosti na ľavej strane a skoku na pravej strane (pohľad dolu svahom).
Prvá platforma má na to aby si sa zahrial, rovný box a malý kicker so skoro 2 metrovým tejblom.
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Small hop and easy box (1st Platform) |
On the second platform the kicker gets slightly bigger and the table reaches over 2 meters. Also the jibbing side is upgraded to flat-down box. This obstacle was the most fun and you can refresh here all the tricks you forgot over the summer.
Na druhej platforme je už skok trochu väčší a table presahuje jemne 2 metre. Aj jibovacia strane je upgradovaná na flat-down box. Táto prekážka bola najzábavnejšia a mohol si si na nej osviežiť všetky triky ktoré si cez leto zabudol.
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Booken didn't forget how to shred (2nd platform) |
After the second platform you will find next a 3 m kicker and a big down rail, so if it's your first day riding this season, be careful here. But it's still nothing to be worried about because the real jibbing starts with the last (4th) platform. For the last hit in the upper park you can choose between flat-down rail separated with a little gap or a kicker with ca. 4 m table.
Po druhej platforme nájdeš daľej 3 metrový kicker a veľký a vysoký down rail, takže ak si túto sezónu ešte nejiboval, buď opatrný. Ale stále sa nie je čoho báť, lebo ozajstný jibbing začína až na poslednej a teda 4tej platforme. Na posledný hit v hornej časti parku si môžeš vybrať medzi flat-down railom medzi ktorého časťami je maličký gap alebo kicker s ca. 4 metrovým tejblom.
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Down rail and 3 m kicker (3rd platform) |
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It's getting serious here (4th platform) |
Last but not least, at the bottom of the upper park there is a pile of snow shaped into a big hip so if you get a lot of speed you can taildrag or tail/nosetap the flat part. Following this you will reach a set of rollers where you can spin left and right and left and right until you get dizzy. But watch out, there is a ski-cross like run after this with some sharp turns so make sure you can still ski/snowboard.
V závere vrchnej časti parku nájdeš kopu snehu vyformovanú do hip-u, ktorý keď máš veľa rýchlosti môžeš predragovať alebo pretail/nosetapovať. Za týmto nasleduje skupina vlniek kde si môžeš zarotovať doľava alebo doprava koľko len chceš. Len pozor aby si potom trafil na niečo ako ski-crossovú dráhu ktorá sa nachádza hneď za poslednou vlnkou.
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Hip with rolllers and ski-cross run are ending the upper part of the snowpark |
Lower part:
Lower part of the park begins with big jump that has a table with the length of 8-10 m. Even though the landings was not icy, it all seemed pretty hard and that any fail would hurt a lot. Well no wonder it has been below -15 over several days already.
Spodná časť park začína s veľkým skokom ktorého table má okolo 8-10 m. Aj keď dopad nebol ľadový, vyzeral riadne tvrdý a že keď spadneš bude to poriadne bolieť. No niet sa čomu diviť, bolo pod -15 už veľa dní.
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Biggest kicker in the lower park |
On the second platform shapers decided to put instead of a jump a set of rail options. On the skier's right there is a nice smooth cannon and a pretty steep down rail on the left. Maybe i should highlight the word steep, because it was really steep.
Na druhej platforme sa shaperi rozhodli namiesto skoku spraviť dve rail možnosti. Na pravej strane je príjemný cannon a na ľavej veľmi strmý down rail. Možno by sa patrilo zvýrazniť slovo strmý, lebo bol naozaj strmý.
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Cannon rail on the right side |
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The steep down rail on the left |
The third hit is simple a jibbing platform. You can go for a flat wide box or a bit higher short rail. Box is pretty easy to ride but for the rail on the left side make sure you give it a big pop on the take off.
Tretí set je čistá jibová platforma. Buď si vyberieś široký box alebo vyšśí rovný rail. Box je celkom ľachký, ale na rail sa treba poriadne odraziť nech na neho vyskočiš.
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Third platform in the bottom park |
At the end of the park, there is a new feature this season, a low red metal pipe. Pipe is very smooth even though it has small "gaps" which probably connect the different parts of it. (See the picture below)
Na záver celého parku je tohtoročńa novinka, rovná nízka červená železná rúra. Táto rúra šmýka veľmi dobre aj keď má maličké medzierky medzi jednotlivými časťami.
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The new red pipe |
Park is looking really good this season so far. When we count it all together you have:
Upper part:
4 Platforms + Hip + Rollers + Ski-cross
Lower part:
3 Platform + Red pipe
= At lest 8 real hits plus funky hip rollers and ski-cross run. This is some decent number that will guarantee you will not be bored in Jasna. And season only began. So go up there and shred it.
Ak to všetko spočitame máš minimálne 8 platforiem plus hip, vlnky a ski-cross. To dáva dokopy celkom slušné číslo aby si sa v Jasnej v parku nenudil. A to sezóna iba začala. Tak hybaj na kopec jazdiť.
Photo gallery:
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Before getting to park we did some runs on the south side of Chopok |
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And south was good |
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View of the upper part of the park |
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Closer look at the gap flat-down rail |
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The run-in to the lower park |
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Up and down rail |
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Slow down boy |
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North side view is top |
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